

There were three short stories in this books.
I especially liked A Flower for Lumus.
The time line of that story was remote future.
People can create what they want by using the technology.
Fleur and her husband, Lumus looked like very happy and satisfied.
'This helper was nice. He was the nicest of all of them. But it's still not the same. It can't be the same...'
In fact, Lumus was already dead.
He was not a real person, like a helpers, animals, flowers and grasses.

What a sad story.
Fluer understood Lumus wasn't real, but she won't forget him forever.



Nat Marley was a New York private investigator.
When he was drinking at the bar, a man came to next him.
His name was Jorge. Nat accepted the some request from Jorge.
Jorge wanted to be a cook and needed some money...
He said his friend have his money, but Jorge was in a prison for 10 years.

It was pretty interesting because there were many story lines.



Munro's boss, Naylor asked Munro to search the two terrorists, Tajik and Beck.
Munro was following them and he met a woman, Salgado.
He was interested in her smile, but she ran away with the terrorists.
Munro found out them at the hotel. They had a boy as the captive.
He tried to help the boy....

I could read this story comfortably.
Big things didn't happen, but it was fine.