

Atama-ii Books: #7 The Ooze

I am a college student. One day, While cleaning the bathroom, I find something odd and very hungry.
I named it OOZE and it became my and my friend new pet.
It was hungry every days. We give it vegetables or ants.
It stated to glow happily.
And I love OOZE. Because it is so cute for me. 

But OOZE was still hungry, soon vegetables or ants were not enough.
Also, it became bigger than before, even ate cats and dogs.

Someday, OOZE hurts my friend. He was very angry and hated it.
We tried to take it to Dr. Harvey's lab.
But I didn't want to do like that. I took OOZE to my house from the lab.
My fried still hated OOZE. He said, " Tomorrow, we call the zoo."

I love OOZE. I wanted to take care of OOZE.
So, I'll say my pet, "It's dinner time..."

I think that I was like the Hagrid of harry potter.
But he is pure.
I want to take care my loves whatever happens.....like me of the story.

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